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TAG: علم القهوة
فن تذوق القهوة
A guide on the art of coffee cupping. Read our 3 simple steps on how to determine what makes an exceptional cup of coffee: crema, body, smoothness & aroma.
ماكينة نسبريسو إكسبرت الجديدة
Nespresso's smart coffee machine means you can make coffee from your phone. The Expert coffee machine is able to make anything from a Ristretto to americano.
طحن البن: علم قائم بحدّ ذاته
Explore the art of coffee grinding &emp; how we turn expertly roasted coffee beans into grinds. From coffee bean to coffee capsule, each with a signature aroma.
الكمال في صناعة القهوة
Join Nespresso on their path to coffee perfection. Learn about the choices made to ensure each and every cup of coffee is nothing less than exceptional.